Ayrshire Post

Ramblers are heading north

- Mike Wilson

South Ayrshire Ramblers will offer a walk of about 11 miles to North Hill, near the Ardrossan Wind Farm on Saturday.

Starting at the shore car park about one mile north of Ardrossan, the walk will proceed via road and farm tracks to West Kilbride, before joining the old coffin road to North Hill.

From the summit, the route descends to the Wind Farm and, using access roads, makes a circuit of the hill before re- joining the outward route to return to the start via West Kilbride and Seamill.

Meet at the public car park at Prestwick Town Rail Station in time to leave at 8.50am. Walk leader is Robert Pollock on 01292 315765.

On Sunday, Ayr & District Rambling Club have an easy seven- mile walk starting at the Dick Institute, Kilmarnock.

The route will go through the Kay and Dean Parks to join a short road- walking section towards Craufurdla­nd Estate, passing through fields and stiles and then alongside Craufurdla­nd Water.

After proceeding through woodlands within the estate, the return will be by a slightly different route to Kilmarnock. As the terrain may be muddy in places, gaiters are advised.

Due to upgrading works within Dean Park and also Scottish Water works, the route may vary.

Contact Patricia Hamilton on 07970 758902. Meet at Millbrae car park in Ayr at 8.50am for 9am departure.

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