Ayrshire Post

Car catalytic

Converter is pinched


An elderly couple are warning residents to remain vigilant after their catalytic converter was pinched from their car.

The 79 and 80- year- old couple, who wish to remain anonymous, told the Post how their Honda Accord was the latest target for thieves.

The pensioners had to shell out £ 486.39 to replace parts after the device was stolen.

Shaken up after becoming victims of theft, they commented: “It’s hellish so it is. “I can’t sleep - I think I can hear noises.

“The car is old - we’ve had it for 15 years but it’s the sentimenta­l value to it.

“I want to try put it behind me but it’s a very difficult thing to do.

“The most expensive article that was stolen was the sensor LAMBDA- that over £ 100 itself.

“So whoever stole it knew what they were doing by taking that sensor which is more expensive to replace than the catalytic converter.”

Ayrshire Police Division posted on their Facebook: “Following a rise in thefts from vehicles in South Ayrshire local officers are encouragin­g residents to be vigilant and vehicle owners to make full use of their vehicle fitted security features.”

Safer Communitie­s Officer for South Ayrshire, PC Jamie Dunlop, said: “Enquiries are ongoing into these recent incidents which have taken place in various areas of South Ayrshire. “A number of catalytic converters have been stolen from Honda vehicles and we are appealing to anyone with informatio­n on those involved to contact us.

Anyone who has witnessed people acting suspicious­ly in the area or anyone who may have been offered stolen property for sale is encouraged to contact Police Scotland by calling 101 or to call Crimestopp­ers on 0800 555 111.

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