Ayrshire Post

Ian recalls days as royal police driver


Former Glasgow policeman Ian Thomson was the guest speaker at the April meeting of Alloway WI.

With much humour he talked about his varied background, from being a rock star to joining the police force and becoming a driving instructor, which led to him being trained to be part of the team involved in VIP and royal security.

He outlined some of the duties covered when a royal visit was due. Every aspect from timing of journeys to inspection of sewers and having a policeman on every bridge en route to each venue was planned so that back- up would be in place.

He had many anecdotes to tell of his royal passengers but said they were “ordinary people doing an extraordin­ary job”.

Prime ministers from Harold Wilson to John Major were driven by him, as well as many dignitarie­s from overseas.

Since retiring, he is kept busy by being a grandparen­t, a public speaker, musician and has become involved in voluntary work in Sierra Leone.

The competitio­n results were – Mini Victoria sandwich : 1 Marjory McCracken, 2 June Foreman. Piece of royal memorabili­a: 1 June Foreman, 2 Angela Smith, 3 equal Marjory McCracken and Anne Griffiths. Flower of the month: 1 Gina Struthers, 2 Janette Scobie, 3 equal Marjory McCracken and Angela Smith

The May meeting will be the AGM and after business Muriel Blair will demonstrat­e flower arranging.

Alloway Village Hall is the venue on Wednesday, May 9, at 7.30pm

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