Ayrshire Post

Spruce up the bridge

Bid to make granite shine

- Stephen Houston

It has always been in the shadow of its 16th century neighbour.

But underneath 140 years of grime is stunning twin coloured granite .

The New Bridge of Ayr is now the subject of a campaign to make it shine again.

Supporters of the 1878 crossing believe it is the neglected gateway to the town.

And they reckon it’s a simple case of getting a piping hot steam cleaner into action.

Brickie David Petrie, 60, has volunteere­d to get cracking if South Ayrshire Council allow him.

He is being backed by the entire South Ayrshire Conservati­ve command.

David, who lives on the riverside, said: “I have been here all my life and to my knowledge the New Bridge has never been cleaned.

“It is absolutely filthy and may never have been cleaned since constructi­on. It also needs repointed.

“If the Council let me, I think with help we could do it in a few days and there is actually two colours of granite used.”

The bridge, which is built of red sandstone, replaced the original from 1789 which was made unsafe by flood.

The replacemen­t was B- listed in 1971.

David added: “Funnily enough the parapet was built inside out as there is more decoration on the river flanks which of course pedestrian­s and drivers cannot see.”

MP Bill Grant, MSP John Scott and the conservati­ve opposition on South Ayrshire Council are all backing David.

Bill Grant said: “If this was sparkling granite I am convinced it would be wonderful.

“The clean- up could perhaps be done without detergent so there would be no pollution in the river.”

And John Scott added: “The Council does not seem interested and we want to change their minds.

“This is something that could be done with a minimal amount of money for maximum effect and we hope for some action.”

 ??  ?? Clean team David Petrie, right, with Conservati­ve show of strength
Clean team David Petrie, right, with Conservati­ve show of strength

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