Ayrshire Post

Jill and Willie’s challenge

Couple running 262 miles

- Stephen Houston

A crazy couple are in the middle of a punishing challenge . . . ten marathons in just ten days.

The 262 mile chase is sure to wreck the bodies of Jill and Willie Wyllie.

But Jill said: “We are daft enough to do it.

“Willie agreed to do it when he had had a few too many lagers. He shook our son Mitchell’s hand on it so we felt there was no way out.”

Superfit Jill, 42, is a personal trainer at the local Core gym in Mauchline.

And hubby Willie, 50, is an accountant who also loves hitting the gym.

They should complete their ordeal - which began on Saturday - this coming Monday.

They aim to arrive at their son Mitchell’s school Wellington in Ayr where he is head boy.

Most of the routes, which will be tracked by electronic devices, will be in the countrysid­e around their Mauchline home.

Before she set off Jill said: “I think we are going to need painkiller­s, especially with my knee joints.

“We have both been hitting the gym up to seven days a week to try and reach peak fitness.

“But we have never run this far before and our bodies will simply not be able to recover before the next start.”

The couple, who live in the countrysid­e just outside Mauchline, will raise money for Wellington School sixth year’s charity Alzheimer Scotland and are looking for more cash backing.

They have two other children, 11- year- old Max and Wallis, 19.

Jill added: “The routes are all quite hilly, but at least there is downhill to help the uphill.

“It will be a challenge. but we will just have to go with it.”

Mi t c h e l l , 1 7 , a n d classmates will welcome the couple back through t h e gat e s, f i t n e s s permitting, on Monday.

Help the Wyllies by donating at www. j u s t g i v i n g . c o m / fundraisin­g/ jillian- wyllie.

 ??  ?? Shoe- r thing Willie and Jill
Shoe- r thing Willie and Jill

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