Ayrshire Post

Over drinks limit twice in a month

Banned for three years and car is seized

- Abi Smillie

A drink driver has been sentenced to unpaid work after he was caught over the limit twice in just over a month.

Allan Campbell of Whiteside Terrace, Prestwick, was found driving on the A70 near Coalhill on December with 57 microgramm­es of alcohol in 100 millilitre­s of breath. The limit is 22.

The 44- year- old was caught again on January 20 on Caerlavero­ck Road, Prestwick, when his count was 52.

Ayr Sheriff Court heard that on January 20 police found a Honda Civic which had been damaged. Campbell was lying outside the vehicle on the driver’s side.

Police also noted a bottle of rum at the scene.

Solicitor Ian Gillies said: “This is a difficulty Mr Campbell has which he recognises.

“Mr Campbell has had this problem for a long time.

“He is desperate to get help.” Sheriff Mhari Mactaggart told Campbell: “What I’m putting in place is a direct alternativ­e to custody.

“You’re losing your licence for three years. You will go on to a community payback order supervisio­n with an alcohol treatment required.

“In addition to that you will perform unpaid work, which is the punishment part.

“It’s set at that level so that you and others realise how serious this is.”

Campbell will be supervised for 18 months and must take alcohol treatment.

He must do 210 hours of unpaid work within 12 months.

His vehicle was also forfeited.

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