Ayrshire Post

Fined after stealing fuel at bus depot

- Abi Smillie

A fuel thief was fined £ 800 for siphoning gas from parked vehicles.

William Smillie, 5 4 , of Dalfarson Avenue in Dalmelling­ton pled guilty to stealing the fuel at Keenan of Ayr Ltd - a coach and minibus hire company in Coalhall, Ayr.

Ayr Sheriff Court heard on Tuesday, April 10 that on the morning of Wednesday, March 8 last year a security guard found a number of fuel caps had been prised off and fuel removed.

It was noted there was a small spot of blood left on one car.

The police were contacted and DNA samples were taken.

Solicitor Steven Maxwell said Smillie was ‘ encouraged’ to carry out the thieving.

Mr Maxwell said: “He and a number of others had been taken alcohol.

“Some time later his blood DNA was found on the vehicle.

“Mr Smillie couldn’t understand where his blood had been found.

“It’s been a long time since he’s been in the court with dishonesty.”

The court heard the amount of fuel taken by Smillie was worth between £ 300 and £ 400.

Sheriff Mhari Mactaggart said: “As Mr Maxwell said, it has been a while since you have been in court and it’s very unfortunat­e you’re standing there today.

“I’m coming to the conclusion you will provide compensati­on to this company for the fuel you’ve stolen.”

Smillie pled guilty to forcing open a lockfast on motor vehicles and stealing a quantity of fuel.

He must pay compensati­on to Keenan of Ayr Ltd to the sum of £ 800.

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