Ayrshire Post

Bowlers roll up to object to meters

- Sarah Hilley

Bowlers fear their club is under threat because of new parking charges.

Ambassador Bowling Club president Anne Gibson said South Ayrshire Council’s new money spinner will stop some elderly members from getting out of the house.

Ms Gibson said the Prestwick club is a social lifeline for older people including widowed folk.

And during the cold, dark winter months it is somewhere safe to go to keep elderly people active.

Finance bosses at the council want drivers to pay at Bellevue Road car park near the club and swimming pool.

It is believed the move, which will roll out in other towns, will coin in £ 120,000.

Anne said: “Our club is a social hub for elderly members. Eighty per cent of our members are aged over 73. They already pay because it is a private club.

“We worry the car parking charge on top of that wil mean they can no longer afford it. There is a real threat the club may close or the parking charges will drive down membership numbers.”

It is estimated the new fees will add £ 3 to every game played. Anne continued: “South Ayrshire Council are supposed to encourage sport and leisure. This car park is used for the bowling club and the swimming pool. This should be a special case.”

Describing individual member experience­s, Anne said: “One of the men said he is recently widowed. He was depressed in the winter and said the bowling club was a Godsend to combat loneliness.

“His story is echoed by lots of people. Members have said if the club closed they don’t know what they would do. One lady had a fall and the doctor advised exercise like bowling, which is essential for health. They don’t like going out walking on their own. We offer a warm and friendly environmen­t.”

Coaching and rink space for blind bowlers is also provided. And young junior members are being coached to an internatio­nal standard.

She added: “Parking at a distance could prove hazardous for older members in icy or slippy conditions but that may be their only option if charges are introduced.”

The club are collecting signatures for a petition.

There is a real threat parking charges will drive down membership numbers

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