Ayrshire Post

Drug addict pushed pram into traffic

- Sarah Hilley

A drug addict who pushed a baby girl’s pram into traffic has been ordered to get clean.

William Houston, of Elba Gardens, Ayr, accidental­ly staggered off the footpath on to a busy road in Ayr.

A driver swerved to avoid hitting the seven- month old baby.

The 46- year- old was walking along John Street on his way to pick up methadone at a chemist while under the influence one morning in February. Sheriff Desmond Leslie ordered Houston to undergo a drug treatment testing order ( DTTO) which will involve him being tested for substances.

Houston’s lawyer Colin Adams said a background report revealed his client was minimising the offence.

Mr Adams said: “I can understand the court having concern regarding Mr Houston given the terms of the report.”

The solicitor said his client would benefit from a community payback order. He said Houston would “do his upmost to cooperate” with a DTTO.

Houston appeared in the dock at Ayr Sheriff Court last week. During an earlier appearance, the court heard how motorist Alexander Taylor took evasive action when he saw Houston on the road with the child at 10.30am.

He was so worried about the baby’s welfare he stopped the car and gave them a lift to the Toll Pharmacy in Ayr Road, Prestwick. Houston’s speech was slurred when speaking to a pharmacist who called the police.

He pled guilty to exposing the child in a manner likely to cause causing unnecessar­y suffering or injury to health and did while intoxicate­d become unresponsi­ve to such an extent that he was incapable of caring for the child on February 17.

Houston admitted causing the pram to enter the roadway forcing Mr Taylor to take action.

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