Ayrshire Post

Driver caused car to swerve and overturn

- Sarah Hilley

A driver overtook a tractor forcing an oncoming car with OAPs inside to swerve and overturn.

Graeme Stewart, 39, was driving towards Lendalfoot on the A77 at 9am when he got stuck behind a tractor.

Stewart overtook the tractor as he approached a right- hand bend outside the village travelling northbound.

At Ayr Sheriff Court last week, depute fiscal Jason Bell said a car came around the corner in the opposite direction.

Mr Bell said: “They swerved on to a verge causing the vehicle to overturn.”

Hugh Campsie, 75, and Rosanne Campsie, 71 in the other vehicle suffered injuries. The police were contacted and took statements from everyone involved.

Stewart, of Arran Avenue, Ballantrae, was cautioned and charged but made no reply.

He pled guilty in the dock to carelessly overtaking the tractor when it was unsafe, crossing into the opposing carriagewa­y and making the other driver take action causing vehicle damage and injuries.

Lawyer Tony Currie, defending Stewart, said it was“misjudgeme­nt.”

Mr Currie added: “He thought it was safe to over take the tractor. He was only travelling at 45mph. The other vehicle came more quickly around the bend.”

Sheriff Desmond Leslie fined Stewart £ 500 and handed him eight penalty points.

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