Ayrshire Post

Fifteen- year- old attacked on birthday

- Abi Smillie

A thug has pled guilty to attempting to suffocate a 15- yearold girl on her birthday.

Robert Logan, of Galloway Avenue, Ayr, admitted grabbing hold of the girl by the arms, pinning her to the floor, straddling her and putting his hands over her mouth.

At Ayr Sheriff Court last Thursday, the young schoolgirl, who was standing behind a sceen, broke down as she relived the events that took place in Maybole on December 23 last year.

One source contacted the Post to tell us about Logan’s “aggression towards women.”

“People need to know the type of person he is,” they said.

“He’s a happy- go- lucky type of person but behind closed doors he’s completely different.

“I just want this to stop. “He’s very manipulati­ve and clever.”

The source said that Logan claimed that he stopped putting hand over the mouth of the teenager because “he realised he had gone too far”.

The court heard the 36- year- old has a previous conviction.

Sheriff Desmond Leslie adjourned the diet to obtain social work reports.

The Sheriff told Logan: “It’s quite clear with your record that you have problems with your anger.”

He will appear at a later date for sentencing.

I just want this to stop. He’s very manipulati­ve and clever

 ??  ?? Brute Robert Logan
Brute Robert Logan

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