Ayrshire Post

From the archives of the Ayrshire Post



A young man needed 86 stitches to face and arm injuries after a vicious bottle attack at a packed rave in Ayr.

Gordon Beattie, 20, was among 800 people at the rave in Ayr Pavilion. Mr Beattie was with his girlfriend when a number of youths dragged him from the dance floor to an area near the toilets.

The rave was organised by the Streetrave company who hired the Ayr nightspot. Pavilion manager Fraser MacIntyre said: “It must be made clear this was not the Pavilion’s normal Hanger 13 rave.”


However controvers­ial may be the views of policies of the Prime Minister, there was adequate evidence on Saturday of the great interest taken in the visit by Mr Harold Wilson and Mrs Wilson to Ayr for the annual conference of the Scottish Council of the Labour Party.

There were crowds at Prestwick Airport then Ayr Town Hall and later at Dam Park Hall where Mr Wilson addressed a rally of 1800 people. Outside some 40 placard carrying anti- Vietnam demonstrat­ors were kept quietly contained on the pavement.


The road surveyor reported upon the alleged contravent­ion by a traction engine passing through Crosshill with spikes on the wheels from one and a half inches to two and a half inches, although the roads were clean and bare.

Damage to the tarmacadam cost at least £ 12. Police had made out a case for prosecutio­n but this had been dropped in view of the new order allowing spikes during the war. The surveyor said two and a half inches was a most unusual spike and he was hauling five ton loads with his little tractor without any spikes.

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