Ayrshire Post

Talk of the town from our social media


Trump Turnberry’s move to ban Irn Bru from their resort got some of our readers fizzing.

Jo Craig said: “What’s with these places and their carpets?! Is red wine also banned???”

Shaz McCormack added: “Deary me! They’re doing themselves no favours endearing us Scots!”

But Avril Tognarelli said: “Can’t stand the stuff anyway! Did I actually say that? I’m obviously not Scottish!”

South Ayrshire Council’s failed plans for a new office block in the town were met with relief by the vast majority.

Jaz Bee said: “Site will be mothballed now in spite.”

And John Slaven added: “Good..... however this site I suspect will lay derelict for years now.”

Jimmy Campbell joked: “Fantastic news. But most likely they will build a cycle lane instead.”

Paul Cairns said: “Has anyone ever suggested the Station Hotel as an alternativ­e site?”

But Richard Devine said: “Realistica­lly it would cost two or even three times as much money to restore the Station Hotel than build a new structure.”

A digital sign on Ayr’s Whitletts Road is set for shutdown after council bosses pledged to take enforcemen­t action.

Kate Hewardine said: “Great news!!! Awful distractio­n when driving; at least in big cities you have lots of these so you get used to them, unlike us with just this nuisance.”

But Lewis Mcdowall said: “Folk moaning yet again nothing positive about Ayr.”

And Ian Smith said: “Get a life..!! It’s a sign that lights up..!! WHO CARES..!! So are they switching all the street lights off in the area as well..??”

Council bosses are mulling over a request to give Ayr United’s title winners a civic reception.

Scott Sturgeon said: “Fat chance the council just want to sit back and take all the glory that goes with Ayr United’s win and success but do nothing to help them like celebratin­g their amazing win.”

Jofus Lumsden said: “The council do all they can to put obstacles in the way of Ayr United so don’t hold your breath.”

Steven Mackie said: “It obviously doesn’t happen often so should be celebrated properly.”

But former councillor, Eddie Bulik, said: “The council gave the club a civic reception for the centenary, so I’m confident there will be recognitio­n of some sort.”

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