Ayrshire Post

Take some responsibi­lity


No sooner was the first “closed” sign erected at Ayr Station than SAC began the obligatory meely mouthing and hand- wringing. Who would be first to say “don’t blame us”? Step forward council leader Douglas Campbell. “This has been brought about due to the lack of action by the hotel owners . .” he tells us. You’re almost right Douglas! What you should have said was: “This was brought about by six years of lack of action by the hotel owners – and five years of lack of action by South Ayrshire Council.” An old war gamer like Mr Douglas would know that to win any war game – you usually have to attack the enemy! “Tut tutting” at a billionair­e 5,000 miles away – who probably bought little red plastic Ayr Station Hotel after throwing a double six and passing “Go” – was never going to cut it. Councillor Campbell continues: “We have a statutory duty to step in and ensure our residents are safe.” But where was the moral duty to “step in” and ensure a historic piece of Ayr didn’t rot to the point of being a dilapidate­d danger to the public? And as a daily commuter across the “Station Bridge” – I still wouldn’t mind a qualified engineer’s second opinion on Mr Campbell’s “keeping residents safe”. Who decided that one vital lane of the bridge ( eastbound) was safe – but the other lane and the pavement weren’t? If the Station Hotel comes down in a hurry – it will probably take the entire bridge and half the petrol station across the road with it. And put a head on your pint in the Market Inn! No - I’d cordon off the entire bridge. Then we could run tourist buses to visit our other “cordoned off “attraction­s - Belleisle House Hotel and the esplanade play park!

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