Ayrshire Post

Talk of the town from our social media


Ayr Train Station was turned into a danger zone as the crumbling Station Hotel was deemed ‘ an immediate risk to public safety’.

John Kean said: “Why didn’t the local authoritie­s step in sooner? “It’s not as if this happened overnight. Another blight on a once vibrant town.” Roger Small replied: “My thoughts also John. “So what if it is privately owned? “If something is a hazard it is taken care of. “Don’t play games.” Alan Wallace said: “It’s a lovely old building and would be a shame to see it pulled down for some modern monstrosit­y. “But it’s been empty so long now clearly Ayr no longer requires a hotel of this stature.” Iain Hamilton said: “As an Ayr resident but someone not originally from Ayr, in my opinion it would be a tragedy to see this lovely building be flattened. “It’s a part of your history and it needs preserving.” Tracey Mcghee said: “Used to be a nice building now it is an eyesore with trees growing out of it and the rats are as big as cats. “If it’s supposed to be a public hazard it should be pulled down, go on South Ayrshire Council.”

We told that the Riverside flats in Ayr could face demolition.

Jimmy Campbell said: “So to save £ 21m pull them down and cause unnecessar­y stress on all the people that live there. “Flip it back a month or two and they wanted to spend £ 11m on a new office block they don’t need. “Time they started to think before they act!” Sylvia Collie said: “All this council seem to do is pull everything down or leave it till it falls down and replace it with nothing.” Gillian Green said: “Knew that wouldn’t take them long to think about demolishin­g them.”

An outdoor smoking ban was overturned by South Ayrshire councillor­s as they agreed to apply ‘ common sense’.

Mags Kirkwood said: “Ayr needs places like this. “I know we don’t always get the weather but when places like Dublin, Edinburgh and Paris can encourage tourists to stay in town with street cafes, why can’t Ayr? “I don’t smoke but I’d be annoyed to be left out because my friend does.”

Natasha Scott was jailed for three years after killing Kai Milligan in a horror smash.

Fiona Mcgown said: “Should have been longer, her human rights? What about the family of the poor boy that’s dead. “So sorry for their loss.”

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