Ayrshire Post

Woman in row tried to jump from sixth floor

- Pippa Smith

A woman attempted to jump from the window of a sixth- floor flat following an argument with her ex- partner.

Joanne Harrison, of Riverside Place, Ayr, admitted to repeatedly refusing to leave the property of the man and acting in an aggressive manner towards police officers on July 3 this year.

The court heard how the 54- year- old lives with bipolar which caused her to attept to jump from a window following an argument with her ex- partner of 16 years.

Depute Fiscal Lindzi Baynes said: “The accused and the complainer lived at seprate addresses but in the same building. It was around 1.10pm and the complainer was in the fkat with the accused getting ready to go on holiday.

“An argument broke out and the complainer asked the accused to leave. The police were asked to attend by other witnesses because of shouting.

“When the officers arrived they spoke to the complainer – the accused continued to shout and the complainer wished for the police to escort her away.

“She continued to refuse to leave and then her attitude changed. She told the police officers to ‘ f** k off’ and didn’t calm down when requested by the officers.

“In that moment, the accused ran towards an open window and attempted to jump - this was on the sixth floor. Officers got the accused and she was then arrested.”

Ms Baynes told the court that Harrison had also breached her bail conditions.

Defence solicitor John Gallageher said: “The complainer wished for my client not to be punished for these incidents and explained that he bare no ill will towards her,”

Sheriff Mhairi Mactaggart ordered Harrison to community payback.

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