Ayrshire Post

Flower lovers are glowing

- Hilda Cameron

The weather was wet and windy but autumn colours were glowing at the second meeting of Auchincrui­ve Floral Art Club last Monday.

Marlyn Thomson, the tutor for the night, worked her magic and showed the members how to create beautiful Hallow’een floral designs with more than a hint of spookiness.

Beginners were shown how to transform a humble terracotta garden pot into a container full of the seasonal colours of rich purple and bright orange.

The second design expanded on this theme and Marlyn demonstrat­ed how to introduce gourds and accessorie­s to create drama ( although the hairy spider was rather overwhelmi­ng for one arachnopho­be among us.)

Once the demonstrat­ion was over, it was time for the members to create their own designs. Two first- time visitors were so inspired by what they had seen that they had a go and did exceptiona­lly well.

Visitors are always welcome ( for a small fee of £ 4 a night.)

At the end of the night Marlyn gave an individual critique of each design and explained how important proportion is for the overall balance of a design. She then drew the raffle and two lucky winners took home her demonstrat­ion designs.

After a well- deserved vote of thanks it was time for everyone to brave the elements and go home.

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