Ayrshire Post

Disabled Richard is left in lurch

No staff to work train ramp

- Vivienne Aitken

A disabled wheelchair user was stranded 11 miles from home – because no railway staff were available to help him get off at the right station.

It was the second time this year that Richard Toner, 24, who suffers from a severe type of brittle bone disease, was let down by ScotRail.

Richard wasn’t expected to survive birth. When he did, doctors gave his parents little hope that he’d live long.

But he has always been a battler and the travel and tourism student lives independen­tly in an annexe at his dad’s home in Troon.

Last week, Richard booked trains for a return journey to Edinburgh with his support worker.

Richard’s father Pat said: “He booked the journey in advance so they would have the ramps for him at the stations.”

Everything ran smoothly until he got back to Troon.

Pat continued: “The ramps are always kept on the train but there was no one to put them out. Troon station is unmanned in the evening and there was no guard or ticket collector on the train.

“Richard spoke to the driver but he said he wasn’t allowed to leave his cab to help, so he would have to stay on the train until the next manned station, which was Ayr – four stops away.

“I was at home, so he was able to phone me and I collected him at Ayr. But if I hadn’t been around, he’d have had no way of getting home.”

Earlier this year, a ticket office worker told Richard she didn’t have time to put the ramp down, so he’d have to wait for the next train.

Pat said: “Richard values his independen­ce. If this continues to happen, it will knock his confidence.”

A ScotRail spokesman said: “We are sorry to hear of this customer’s experience, which fell below the high standards of assisted travel that we aim to provide.

“We are committed to making the railway open and accessible to all and we will work hard to make sure this doesn’t happen again.”

 ??  ?? Rescue Dad Pat picked up Richard in Ayr – four stops from home.Picture by Jamie Williamson
Rescue Dad Pat picked up Richard in Ayr – four stops from home.Picture by Jamie Williamson

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