Ayrshire Post

Class of league leaders shines again


Like Hawick the week before, Hawks stretched their limited abilities, lifted their game and gave Ayr a decent go but the class of the league leaders was simply too much.

When you consider that back row artists of the quality of Pete McCallum and Tommy Spinks were missing, David Corbenici was forced to drop back from lock to flanker, rookies Marshall Sykes and Alfie North made up the second row – although their performanc­es have revealed huge talent there – and again a reshuffled midfield with a bunch of youngsters – Kyle Rowe, Paddy Kelly, Ollie Smith, Stafford McDowall – refuse to be ignored while screaming to get a shout and when they get it, prove emphatical­ly that they deserve it.

Pragmatic coach Peter Murchie said: “All credit to Hawks, they really worked hard around the fringes and made things hard for us but again on a day when conditions again were not great, we did what we had to do.

“We cont rolled the first half pretty well but frustratio­n crept in during the second half and we let our game get a bit sloppy but again that was also down to excellent defence by Hawks.

“Five points away from home again so we have to be pleased with that and although it leaves us stuff to work on, it was good to get that result.

“The other sides are getting better so we have to keep moving forward.”

Watsonians come to Millbrae on Saturday with the aim of preventing Ayr going through the first half of the campaign unbeaten.

To achieve that nine- in- arow would be terrific and to do it by beating the Myreside mob would make it all the sweeter.

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