Ayrshire Post

Mixed fortunes for Ayr in competitio­ns


A weekend of mixed fortunes for Ayr as the Seniors recorded their first victory of the season, the Gents having their first defeat and the Ladies still seeking their first victory.

The Seniors were away at Cumbernaul­d ( Ayr scores are second):

J Smith 13, G Jack 18; A McGregor 14, J Henderson 15; T Turnbull 4, D McKie 20; G Aitkin 14, S Wyllie 14.

This gives the team a boost, as there were no losing rinks, for their home game against Glasgow next week.

The Scottish seniors fixtures are this coming Sunday with W Duffy, G Neil and J Henderson, J Nesbit and B Little and G Arnott out in the singles, pairs and triples respective­ly – all playing at East Kilbride.

The Gents lost 70- 88 at Glasgow ( Ayr scores second): K McClintock 18, S Christie 24; C McLeod 30, D Lang 19; G McCartney 23, B Greenhill 10; D Elliot 17, P Shields 17.

They remain top of the section with three wins out of four, however with them sitting out next week due to seven teams being in their section, they could see themselves slide a place or two due to shot difference­s but then have two back to back home fixtures to look forward to.

The Ladies were pipped by one shot in their home game against Ardrossan.

They also do not have a game next week due to their Scottish singles fixtures being held at Glasgow whereby Jean Thomson will be out representi­ng Ayr, but then face an away trip to Dumbarton the following week.

In the Scottish two- bowl fixtures at Paisley both Gents and Ladies were unlucky not to reach the semi- finals with Gents D Lang and P Shields being defeated in the tie- break of their second game by Blantyre, who went on to qualify, whilst the Ladies of M Hutchison and J Arnott were beaten in the quarter finals by the pair from Auchinleck.

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