Ayrshire Post

Don’t ride roughshod


Your Letters Page of December 26 included a call for clarity on plans by Network Rail and others for Ayr Station Hotel from Esther Clark, Chair of the Ayr Station Hotel Community Action Group, “Still in the dark over hotel”.

The #AyrDeserve­sBetter campaign supports fully her call for the public to show our support “for the importance of Ayr Station Hotel and commitment to keeping it.”

With noted architectu­ral historian, Rob Close, co- author of “The Buildings of Scotland : Ayrshire & Arran” and Thomas Bender, conservati­on adviser, SAVE Britain’s Heritage, we support Esther Clark’s group in drawing up a detailed architectu­ral rationale for the retention of our iconic Station Hotel.

With SAVE Britain’s Heritage making public this month its support for retention of the hotel, we have an internatio­nally renowned body adding its weight to Esther’s group’s campaign.

We trust that the Scottish Historic Buildings Trust will soon be able to announce that it has sufficient funds tocommence its feasibilit­y study for the hotel in the coming months. It is excellent that Esther’s group has teamed up with SHBT, which has a track record in finding new uses for historic buildings such as our Station Hotel.

Your Letters Page of same date featured a letter from John Dunlop [“Bad day for democracy”] on the handling of a motion that called not for the establishi­ng of a Citizens Advice Bureau ( CAB) in South Ayrshire but a report to investigat­e this. The council’s administra­tion chose the most undemocrat­ic of routes to close down the motion. # AyrDeserve­sBetter supports the campaign for a CAB in South Ayrshire. People make places: the Administra­tion should look again at its motto “Ne’er Forget the People” and not ride roughshod over campaigner­s who care deeply for our town and county and who are rooted here.

Patrick Lorimer FRIAS Founder, # AyrDeserve­sBetter

Gardencent­rekindness On December 21, I met with friends for lunch at Dobbies Garden Centre following which I walked round the shop, picked up some stocking fillers and headed to the checkout to pay for them, only to find my purse was not in my bag.

Fortunatel­y, some kind person had handed it in at the restaurant till.

However, they did not leave their name or contact details.

Therefore, through the power of your paper I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks to the person who kindly returned it in the hope they will see this and know how greatly I appreciate their kindness and honesty. Joanne Jamieson, Ayr

It’sagivingth­ing Many thanks to all those who have supported Prestwick Rotary Club activities over the past year.

Funds were raised from a variety of events including the Am Am Golf, The Carol Service, Santa’s Grotto, and Prestwick Prom Fete.

The money raised has been put to good use: Ayrshire Hospice, Quarriers Homes, Cancer Research, Ayr Sea Cadets and Prestwick Academy as well as individual­s and small groups. This money cannot be raised without the generosity of local people.

Prestwick Rotary Club is not just about raising money. It is a friendly, fun organisati­on with lots of social events, including interestin­g speakers on a range of topics at the weekly meeting.

New members are always welcome, and President Edith Sterrick is doing a great job keeping up the social energy levels. Michael Kelly, Prestwick

Real mof fantasy According to a much mocked minority political leader believing in some things becomes “marginal at the age of 7”.

Does anyone know of another minority leader who still resides in the fantasy world of Warhammer, Age of Sigmar? John Dunlop, Wellington Lane, Ayr

Balancing the books Sarah Hilley’s report the budget shortfall of South Ayrshire Council was £ 10.8 million for 2019/ 2020 , that’s a real terms cut of 4.15%.

However this is dwarfed by the £ 55 million the council will rake in for putting the council tax up 3 per cent a rise of 21.15 per cent. To balance the books it will cost the taxpayers 25.30 per cent in tax rises and service cuts , given that there are around 55,000 households in South Ayrshire roughly it like getting a demand to pay roughly a grand per household The council is being underfunde­d by the Scottish Government or is the council unfit to administer public finances . Ian Stewart, Ayr

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