Ayrshire Post

Knife morons

Sister of murder victim condemns mindless teens over sick social media posts that fuel blade crime


Teenagers in Ayr glorifying the use of knives on social media have been condemned by the family of girl who was stabbed to death.

Chilling photos posted online showed two twisted teenage boys posing with large blades.

The pair showed off their weapons on Facebook, gloating they were going to “rip someone’s face open”.

One boy commented “that’s all” he needed the blade for.

Teenagers glorifying the use of knives in north Ayr have been condemned by the family of girl who was stabbed to death.

Chilling photos posted online showed two twisted teenage boys posing with large blades.

The pair showed off their weapons on Facebook, gloating they were going to “rip someone’s face open”.

One boy, who lives in north Ayr, commented “that’s all” he needed the blade for.

Another hid his face behind a tartan scarf with his arm slung around his pal captioning the photo “no face, no case”.

One comment said it was “easy” to “crack someone with something in your hand” after critics said he “wouldn’t know how to use” the blade.

The shocking fad has been branded ‘ appalling’ by a family devastated by a knife attack.

Lisa Stewart lost her 17- yearold sister Michelle to a brutal knife attack in 2008 when killer John Wilson murdered her yards from her home in Drongan.

Lisa told the Post: “I am appalled that kids and teenagers are posing online with knives.

“There is nothing cool about posing with a knife. It does not make you hard or tough, or give you any sort of status – other than being a coward.

“Anyone carrying a knife knows what they are capable of and it is extremely worrying if kids nowadays are doing so.

“If the ones posing with knives saw what knife crime does – and if it happened to one of their loved ones – they wouldn’t be so keen to glorify it.”

Lisa and her family want a clamp down on knife crime and tougher sentences imposed.

She said: “I reiterate that the Scottish Government needs to address the problem of knife crime in Scotland.

“They need to take their blinkers off and realise the problem is getting worse. They can work figures how they like to make it look as if the system works but the news tells us every day it isn’t

“They need to stop the ‘ softlysoft­ly’ approach and start cracking down hard on people carrying and using knives. Bring in mandatory sentencing.

“They need to stop prisons being like holiday camps and start punishing criminals. Make their sentence tough and then people may think twice.

“At the moment people in prison are wrapped in cotton wool. The justice system is a joke from start to finish.”

Inspector Frank Braddick, Communitie­s Inspector said: “Police Scotland has not received any complaints regarding this matter, however anyone with concerns regarding content posted on social media can contact their local police station via 101.

“Any informatio­n we receive will be investigat­ed and anyone found to be in possession of an offensive weapon in a public place will be arrested.”

It does not make you hard or tough, or give you any sort of status – other than being a coward

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Sick But these needs think it is fun to post
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