Ayrshire Post

I’m no pervert, man tells court


A man feared being branded a pervert after three schoolgirl­s accused him of upskirting.

Neil Slider, 33, was even followed off the bus by the girls who demanded to see his phone and his photos.

“They believed he was taking photos of them,” said depute fiscal Ed Sheeran at Ayr Sheriff Court.

“They challenged the accused, he denied it, saying ‘**** off, I don’t have any photos, I’m not showing you my phone’.”

Slider pleaded guilty to threatenin­g or abusive behaviour towards the girls by shouting and swearing at them.

But he totally denied doing anything of an improper sexual nature.

Defence lawyer Tony Currie told the court: “He’s a genuine first offender, and there’s no risk of him re- offending.

“There was a misunderst­anding, and they challenged him to the point of following him off the bus when it wasn’t their stop. He had dropped his phone at one point, but the only photo it took was of the floor on the bus.”

The lawyer added: “He was particular­ly concerned because where he comes from this type of offence would not meet with approval.”

Mr Currie said his client had real fears about the possible repercussi­ons, and had learned a salutary lesson.

The court heard that Slider, of Schaw Avenue, Drongan, had to report twice a week to police in Ayr in the aftermath of the original charge against him.

It dates back to November 15, in Glencraig Street, Drongan.

But taking photos of two girls who were aged 15 at the time was removed from the charge Slider pled guilty to in court last week.

Slider’s bail condition, reporting to police in Ayr’s King Street on Mondays and Fridays has now been revoked.

Sheriff Mhari Mactaggart decided to defer sentence on Slider for a period of six months to see if he can be of good behaviour.

They challenged him to the point of following him off the bus

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 ??  ?? Accused Neil Slider threatened girls
Accused Neil Slider threatened girls

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