Ayrshire Post

Couple’s angry row ends in break- up


A man and wife ended up on the ground after a struggle outside their house.

Darren Russell, 38, admitted causing the fall when he appeared in the dock at Ayr Sheriff Court.

It was part of a charge which stated he struck a car being driven by his wife, uttered threats and repeatedly referred to her in abusive and offensive terms.

The incident occurred on October 5, 2018, outside the former marital home in Honeysuckl­e Park, Ayr.

The couple had been together for 15 years, and married for six, the court heard.

Depute fiscal Ed Sheeran said Mrs Russell left the house in a state of fear, after being the subject of verbal abuse.

“She went out to her car, and he began striking the window, shouting ‘ I hate you’.

“She began to reverse the car, and he kicked it and stood near it.

“She got out and confronted him, and shouted for assistance.

“There was a struggle between them, and they fell to the ground.”

Mr Sheeran said Russell had earlier told his wife: “If you phone the police, you’ll know all about it.”

Defence lawyer Colin Adam admitted this incident had proved a breaking point for the couple.

And his client’s address is now in Crofthead Caravan Park, near Ayr.

Mr Adam added: “He is bitterly disappoint­ed by his behaviour, and is thoroughly ashamed by it.

“He knows the court will have to take account of his previous conviction

“But he has impressed me with his candour and his regret.”

Sheriff Mhari Mactaggart put Russell on a supervisio­n order for one year.

She heard he had taken up employment, but also ordered him to carry out 90 hours unpaid work within the next six months.

 ??  ?? Anonymous donation Josh Hollywood and Nicola Eyres of Ayrshire Cancer Support with the 1973 red MG Midget convertibl­e car? Contact Laura Brown on 01563 538008 or email admin@ ayrshirecs. org
Anonymous donation Josh Hollywood and Nicola Eyres of Ayrshire Cancer Support with the 1973 red MG Midget convertibl­e car? Contact Laura Brown on 01563 538008 or email admin@ ayrshirecs. org

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