Ayrshire Post

Man goes ballistic at police


A man with a twitchy knee went ballistic when policeman put his hand on it.

Thomas Paton, 27, was a passenger in a car that was stopped by police, Ayr Sheriff court heard.

Paton became more and more agitated while checks were being made on the car. And he started to walk away from the scene, telling police: “**** youse. Ah’m no waitin’.”

Paton ended up being arrested, and was taken to Ayr police office.

Paton, who had been drinking, went into overdrive with the abuse after that.

All kinds of filthy homophobic remarks came out of his mouth, and he ended up in a cell for the night.

Defence lawyer John Gallagher said Paton kicked off after a police officer put his hand on his knee.

Mr Gallagher admitted his client was fidgety, and his knee was going up and down.

Paton appeared in the dock from custody, and the court heard he was just weeks from the end of 11 months in jail. This sentence was handed out at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court for a road traffic offence.

Mr Gallagher admitted his client had ‘ a deplorable record’ for road traffic offences.

But he said Paton was ‘ a hardworkin­g individual’ who hopes to set up a removals business with family members, on his release from jail.

Paton, of Dalharco Avenue in Patna, was arrested in his home village when police stopped a car in Carnshallo­ch Avenue on June 11 last year.

Sheriff Mhari Mactaggart told Paton: “I understand you are thoroughly ashamed - and so you should be. You’re 27, and you should know better by now.

She warned him: “Every single time you appear in court, you are risking your liberty. You have to address your problem with alcohol.”

Sheriff Mactaggart placed Paton on an 18- months supervisio­n order, so the court can keep tabs on him. He must also complete 120 hours of unpaid work, once he comes out of jail.

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