Ayrshire Post




A woman was glassed in the face after bumping into her boozed- up attacker while carrying a giant inflatable alien on her back.

Raegan Heggie ( pictured) was left bleeding and needing two butterfly stitches following the assault by Sarah Lee inside Harry’s Bar, Ayr, on a busy Saturday night.

A close relative, who asked not to be named, said the glass victim m has been left “devastated”.

They said: “She had an alien on n her back and was standing at the e bar and as she’s turned, the balloon bumped into the other girl and d Raegan was attacked.

“It wasn’t an accident or the flick k of a hand — she lifted a glass and d put it into her face.

“All because of a blow- up plastic c alien bumping into her.”

A drunken woman launched a glass at a pub goer who accidental­ly bumped into her while carrying a giant inflatable alien on her back.

Sarah Lee, 36, was fined £ 500 for assaulting Raegan Heggie, 22, inside Harry’s Bar in Ayr on a busy Saturday evening on May 19 last year.

Ms Heggie, a selfemploy­ed makeup artist, was left bleeding and needing two butterfly stitches due to a 1cm cut between her eyebrows.

And a close relative, who wished not to named, said the glass victim has been left “devastated” with the outcome.

They said: “She had an alien on her back and was standing at the bar and as she’s turned, the alien has bumped into the girl and she’s just attacked her.

“It wasn’t an accident or the flick of a hand, a glass went into her face – she lifted a glass and put it into her face.

“All because a blow up plastic alien bumped into her.

“And I can’t for the life of me understand how it’s resulted in such a lenient sentence. She’s devastated.”

Depute fiscal Lindzi Bayne told the court : “At 9.50pm, the complainer is making her way to the bar in possession of an inflatable alien at that time.”

Sheriff John Montgomery attempted to make sense of the blow up alien and asked the fiscal to explain what the inflatable toy looked like.

Ms Bayne replied: “It is typical of the alien type.

“It has a big head, small body, large eyes and is grey in colour.”

Describing how matters unfolded, the fiscal said: “She [ Ms Heggie] was making her way to the bar through a crowded area.

“As she made her way to the bar, the accused is also within the bar.

“She’s knocked by the alien – it bumps into the accused. Due to being bumped, an argument began at that time.

“The accused has a glass in her left hand during this time, she moves the glass from the left hand to the right and throws it towards the complainer.

“It struck her on the face and forehead area. Other witnesses noted what was happening. One has pushed the accused away from the complainer and the door steward hears the sound of glass smashing.

“He then assists with helping the complainer.

“She has a cut to her forehead and she’s bleeding.

“The manager got involved and the complainer states she’s been glassed.

“The complainer was treated to two butterfly stitches due to the laceration.”

The fiscal added: “The doctor is unable to say if it will result in permanent scarring, or whether in time if the mark will go away.

“The complainer was extremely upset – albeit with how it began with the inflatable alien, it is a serious matter.”

Defence solicitor Gregor Forbes said: “It was an incident that should have been resolved at an early stage.

“I think everyone had had quite a bit to drink.

“It was extremely busy. “The incident took place; the accused was struck by the inflatable alien, words were exchanged and there is a physical action.”

Now family and friends of the victim say they have been left “shocked” and “infuriated” by Lee’s “lenient sentence”.

A close relative hit out the sentence and said it was not justice for Raegan.

They said: “I’m infuriated that being glassed in the face and left with a scar has resulted in someone getting a £ 500 fine.

“I’m quite shocked.

“I genuinely believed it was going to be a much harsher result.

“And to be told it’s a £ 500 fine and she’ll be paying it back at £ 20 per week – I’m just horrified.

“Raegan had months of anxiety and stress over being a witness against someone who had so viciously attacked her.

“Just the whole process was a pretty horri f i c experience.

“You put a lot of faith in the justice system and think ‘ well somebody’s not going to get away with doing that’.

“It’s a pretty devastatin­g action to carry out on anyone, let alone a young female.

“It was pure luck that the way the glass hit her hasn’t scarred her worse.”

Lee, of Dalmelling­ton Road in Ayr, admitted assaulting Ms Heggie by pushing her on the body, throwing a glass whereby the glass struck her on the head to her injury.

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 ??  ?? Victim Raegan Heggie is said to have been left “devastated” with the court outcome
Victim Raegan Heggie is said to have been left “devastated” with the court outcome
 ??  ?? Fined Shamed Sarah Lee launched a glass at Ms Heggie gie
Fined Shamed Sarah Lee launched a glass at Ms Heggie gie

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