Ayrshire Post

Camp boss Barry rescues plunge pup


calling her because we don’t like her to be out of our site.

“After a while we heard a yelp, a sort of scream, and we realised that she was right down at the bottom of this ravine, which was 120 foot below us.

“We feared the worst and there’s no way we could climb down so we went to get the owner of the campsite to see if he could help us.

Barry Cowan, 56, said: “When they showed me where Bonnie fell I thought she was a goner, especially when they said they heard a yelp.

“But eventually I noticed some movement down by the river.

“God knows how she got down there. If she fell she should have been splattered.

“But I’m a bit of an idiot who thinks he’s Bear Grylls so I decided to slide down on my backside.

“It was really steep and slippy. As I was going down it I thought this probably wasn’t the best idea but there was no going back so I just had to slip and slide, grabbing on to trees.

“Then I landed down on the gorge in one piece – apart from being ripped to shreds by brambles.

“I grabbed Bonnie and walked down the river until I could climb up with her.

“All’s well that ends well. I’m a dog lover and they are such a lovely couple so I was just completely over the moon.”

Willy and Lottie were stunned by Barry’s heroics and amazed that they got their beloved Bonnie back in one piece.

Willie said: “I don’t know how she fell without breaking every bone in her body because it was almost a vertical drop. It’s amazing.

“Without Barry’s help we would have never got Bonnie back. He’s a hero.”

 ??  ?? Rescue mission Park owner Barry Cowan
Rescue mission Park owner Barry Cowan
 ??  ?? Close call Reunited with Bonnie
Close call Reunited with Bonnie

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