Ayrshire Post

Tory contest is pushing to a Brexit abyss


This week marks the third anniversar­y of the EU referendum vote in which Scotland voted overwhelmi­ngly to remain in the European Union and where we are now in a situation where a small number of extreme hard- line Tory members will be choosing our third Prime Minister in three years.

This toxic Tory leadership contest has confirmed beyond doubt that the threat to Scotland is growing as the Tories lurch further to the extremes. Scotland must not pay the price of a petty and bitter leadership battle that could see Scotland consigned to a Brexit outcome that would be the worst of both worlds.

The selection of Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt is yet another sign that the Tory party is intent on pushing Scotland and the UK towards the Brexit abyss, and increase the prospect of an impending economic disaster. The people of Scotland deserve the choice of a better future than the Brexit shambles offered by Westminste­r and the Tory leadership

Astonishin­gly, a YouGov poll earlier this month also showed that 61 per cent of Tories are willing to inflict significan­t damage to the economy to deliver Brexit, and a majority of Conservati­ve and Unionist members ( 63%) would be willing to see Scotland leave the UK in order to deliver Brexit.

The Tory party has clearly gone off the deep end – with their Brexit obsession pushing the party further towards the extremes.

You will find the full details of all my surgeries on my website jeanefreem­an. scot or by calling my office on 01290 425876. You can contact me at any time to raise any concerns you may have by email at jeane. freeman. msp@ parliament. scot or by mail to 46- 48 Glaisnock Street, Cumnock, KA18 1BY.

 ??  ?? Jeane Freeman Concerned over Brexit damage caused to Scotland
Jeane Freeman Concerned over Brexit damage caused to Scotland

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