Ayrshire Post

Mum feared brute’s attack would kill her Children heard their mother’s screams


A violent thug left a woman fearing for her life as he smothered her with bed covers.

Hugh ‘ Shug’ Vennard, 37, grabbed the woman by the throat, put her in a head lock and repeatedly punched her before placing bed covers over her face, restrictin­g her breathing.

Ayr Sheriff Court heard the woman’s daughters, from a previous relationsh­ip, were in the house at the time and one pleaded: “Stop hitting my mum”.

Depute fiscal Kim McGregor told the court: “At 10am the complainer realised she had overslept and one of her daughters had missed a school trip so was upset.”

Vennard, a prisoner, then flipped out and grabbed his victim and started choking her.

He told her that if she got the police he would phone social work.

Neighbours next door could hear a disturbanc­e.

They described it as frantic screaming and said the noise was hysterical.

Ms McGregor said: “One of the children phoned the police and the complainer advised police she was scared the accused was going to kill her.

“Witnesses shouted out of the window ‘ phone the police, phone the police’.”

On the phone to police, one of the children told operators that her mother was being assaulted.

She later said she had been sleeping and was awoken by her mum and someone she knew as Shug arguing about money.

She heard her mum shouting “stop hitting me”, to which the child yelled back “stop hitting my mum.”

The child ran downstairs to get her sister and could still hear her mum shouting to phone the police.

She said her mum was crying and it sounded as if her voice was muffled.

The shouting went on for 20 minutes.

When police arrived they found the woman partially clothed with blood coming from her mouth and on her hands.

Vennard told officers: “It was just a wee domestic. I think I took it too far.

“I shouldn’t have put her in a head lock.”

The victim had a minor cut to her lip, bruising to her face and was taken to Ayr Hospital as a precaution.

Vennard has a previous conviction of a domestic nature involving a separate partner.

Defence solicitor Mr Brown said: “On the date in question, unfortunat­ely, the complainer woke up late.

“Mr Vennard had been using valium the night before.

“Mr Vennard is at a loss to explain his actions but he accepts full responsibi­lity for it.

“He tells me he has been speaking to a minister about his experience­s as a child.

“His coping mechanisms really shut off.

“The complainer has been to see Mr Vennard on a number of occasions while he’s in custody. They are on good terms.

“He also recognises that for others in the house it would have been exceptiona­lly frightenin­g and he very much regrets that behaviour.”

Mr Brown added that Vennard accepted he was likely to go to jail for the offence.

Sheriff John Montgomery said: “I’ve heard the narrative and it’s quite clear she feared for her life.

“The assault was committed maybe not in the presence of children but they certainly knew what was going on.”

Vennard was sentenced to 15 months behind bars.

It was just a wee domestic. I think I took it too far.

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