Ayrshire Post

Nader sings for town he loves


An Iranian student has been writing music to express his love for Ayrshire.

Nader Pirouzkia is now a master of song writing after graduating at UWS in Ayr last year.

And after becoming obsessed with the history of the town he is now writing an album based on the famous story of the Ayr Old Brig.

The 40- year- old, originally of Tehran, claims to have founded the first ever Iranian rock band.

And since moving to Ayr he has noticed a lot of cultural similariti­es between his native and adopted home towns.

Nader told The Post: “My story is very unique in its own way.

“I am the founder of the first Iranian rock band, called Atlas, which was establishe­d in 1999.

“We had a lot of hassles. They didn’t let any of our albums out but we did concerts and made music up to 2005.

“Then I moved to London to study music before coming home to get married and I moved to Ayr in 2017 when I got an offer from UWS.

“During my time here I have became infatuated with Scotland and I found a lot of common things between Iran and Scotland, which I presented as a music album for my final project.”

Now he plans to sing about the history of the Old Brig to give something back to his new home town, which he loves.

Nader said: “I realised that this town has a lot of history. I read about Robert Burns and knew I had my new inspiratio­n.

“I think there is not enough that speaks about Ayrshire history, which I feel there is definitely a potential to talk about.

“I decided to start working on the second album ‘ Subconscio­us consigns’ and this time the theme is Ayr Old Brig:, the story of the two founding maiden sisters.

“I use poets and philosophe­rs from each country and I sing the Scottish ones in Farsi and the ones from Iran I sing in English.

“The whole thing is progressiv­e rock with some use of traditiona­l instrument­s like the bagpipes.

“And what is interestin­g is we have the same thing in Iran. There’s loads of similariti­es.

“I have fallen in love with the town. I’ve been here a year and a half and I plan on staying as long as I can.

“The people are nice and I feel safe here.”

 ??  ?? Building bridges Nader Pirouzkia
Building bridges Nader Pirouzkia

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