Ayrshire Post

NHS cash blown on docs’ cabs


Cash- strapped NHS Ayrshire and Arran are forking out money to use taxis to ferry doctors around.

The Ayrshire Urgent Care Service, formerly Doctors on Call, has paid for private hires amid a staffing shortage.

One insider told the Post: “The system is at breaking point.”

They warned: “The situation is getting worse, not better. The latest thing has been using taxis to drive doctors around. How much is that costing?”

A crippled NHS service has been forced to use TAXIS to ferry doctors around.

The Ayrshire Urgent Care Service – formerly Doctors on Call – has paid for private hires amid a staffing shortage.

One insider told the Post: “The system is at breaking point.”

GPs can earn up to £ 500 per shift covering the county.

More than 350,000 patients are included on the twilight beat.

But they have repeatedly been left exposed as health bosses struggle to staff the rotas.

We told earlier this year how the service has been branded a “tragedy waiting to happen” after no docs turned up for work.

Bosses have cut back opening hours at Ayr in a bid to streamline the service, which is run from Crosshouse.

And our insider warned: “The situation is getting worse, not better.

“Some patients are being told they face 12 hour waits to see a doctor.

“Management know the problems but it’s like they don’t want to face up to what’s staring them in the face. The latest thing has been using taxis to drive doctors around.

“How much is that costing the NHS and why are these jobs not being filled?

“You can only go on like this for so long before something very serious happens.

“The worry is it will take that before anything is really done about this.”

NHS Ayrshire and Arran admitted the taxi move when contacted by the Post this week.

Spokeswoma­n Pam Milliken said: “We rely on the dedication and commitment of our GPs, ANPs, drivers and operationa­l staff to allow us to organise rotas 365- days- a- year.

“We have, on rare occasion, used a contracted taxi service to enable GPs to attend home visits.

“This has been due to sickness absence and vacancies in driving posts. We are in the process of recruiting to the vacant posts.”

One MSP has called on the vacant posts to be filled after learning of the shortage.

South Scotland Tory, Brian Whittle, said: “While I can understand that there may be rare occasions when a taxi service is the only practical option available to ferry medics around Ayrshire, there’s no question that it will be an expensive choice to make. Ideally the system would have enough slack to accommodat­e some staff absence or vacancies.

“The Ayrshire Urgent Care Service plays an important role in providing out of hours care and it needs to be run in a way that’s financiall­y sustainabl­e.

“I will raise this with NHS Ayrshire & Arran and confirm that they expect the vacant posts to be filled soon and see if there’s any way to make the system more robust in future.”

 ??  ?? Cash strapped The Ayrshire Urgent Care Service has forked out for private hires amid staffing shortages
Cash strapped The Ayrshire Urgent Care Service has forked out for private hires amid staffing shortages

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