Ayrshire Post

Kind staff help Thomas Cook customers


Big hearted former staff at the Thomas Cook premises in Girvan’s Dalrymple Street have pledged to help customers in their attempts to claw cash back from the now defunct travel agent giant.

A group of ex- staff members will be in attendance at the town’s Queens Hotel today ( Wednesday) to advise customers who may have lost out during the collapse of the firm.

Around 150,000 British holidaymak­ers were left stranded abroad after Thomas Cook ceased trading earlier last month with debts of more than one billion pounds. All its 600 shops closed, meaning job losses for staff in its Ayr, Troon, Girvan and Cumnock stores.

But Lorna McColm, who managed the Thomas Cook store in Girvan, has pledged to help as many people as possible in their attempts to claim back money.

She said on Facebook: “As you all know I was the Manager for Thomas Cook Girvan. It’s nearly two weeks on since we received the devastatin­g news of the demise of our company and we are all still feeling the pain both for ourselves and our customers.

“We were unfortunat­ely never given the opportunit­y by Thomas Cook to open our store to help anyone who has lost their holidays. This is something that each and every one of us wanted to do. As you are probably well aware, on Monday, October 7, customers will be able to start the process through the CAA ( Civil Aviation Authority) to make their claims.

“We are aware this could be a daunting and confusing process for some, so as a thank you for all your support over the years I would like to volunteer our help.

“Our customers are still really important to us.”

Lorna and other ex- staff members will be at the Queens Hotel, Girvan, from 1pm to 5pm to help advise customers of the procedure they can follow.

Lorna said: “We would love to see you. If you need help with claims, advice regarding any third party bookings or just want to come along and say ‘ hello’ we would be truly honoured and do our best to try and help. “We won’t be in our uniform, but I’m sure you will all recognise us.”

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