Ayrshire Post

Threat to blow up cops Sound of samba


or abusive manner likely to cause a reasonable person to suffer fear and alarm and that he did act in an aggressive manner, shout, swear, state he was in possession of a firearm and threaten to shoot police officers.

The offence happened on September 5 this year at James Campbell Road, Ayr.

Lindsay admitted assaulting Constable Ryan Clark by punching him on the head, and a charge of behaving in threatenin­g or abusive manner in Craigie Way by stating he had a knife, challengin­g officers to fight and uttering sexual remarks.

Fiscal Depute Andrew Lazzarin told the court how police went to James Campbell Road to execute a warrant.

“They could hear voices then they saw the accused at a first floor window,” said Mr Lazzarin.

“A female opened the door and they were allowed entry.

“Lindsay took himself into the loft area and was hiding under the loft insulation. It was dark, making it difficult to see him.” When officers approached Lindsay told them: “I’ve got a f***** g gun.”

Police moved away but asked him to show his hands. Lindsay warned cops: “Come near me and I’ll blow your heads off.”

Lindsay then took himself out the loft and into a neighbouri­ng property and a chase ensued. He arrived at a second location before he was caught up with.

Mr Lazzarin said: “There was a fight and he punched a police officer, causing bruising, so police activated the emergency button and activated PAVA ( an incapacita­nt spray similar to pepper spray.) He was fitted into handcuffs and told officers he had a lockback knife with him.

“He was wanting a ‘ square- go’ and stated ‘ I’ll sh** ye’r maws’.”

It was revealed in court that there was “no sign” of a knife, or a gun during Lindsay’s apprehensi­on.

Sheriff Desmond Leslie deferred sentence on Lindsay until October 24 in order to obtain a criminal justice social work report.

Lindsay must remain in custody. A samba band are set to light up Girvan next month.

Sheboom will join the lantern parade at the Carrick Light festival on November 2.

Space rockets, flying saucers and star lanterns have already been made and the Carrick Rural Arts Group have been working with local community groups to create the big builds for this years river of light lantern procession through the town.

The festival is not to be missed.

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