Ayrshire Post

Keep dogs under control


Regarding the story in the Ayrshire Post about the Auchincrui­ve dog walker.

I fully agree with this lady as a couple of months ago I came across the lady concerned with the nine dogs off the lead.

I had my two Jack Russell’s who were on a lead as usual and was walking round the river walk in Auchincrui­ve, I saw these dogs all running loose and stood up away from the path with my dogs to avoid them but was a waste of time as at least four of the dogs came to me with hackles all up and two of the smaller dogs were growling and showing their teeth.

I was trying hard to hold my dogs as they completely panicked! The lady just kept walking and shouting on her dogs. There was no sorry or anything. That incident gave me such a fright.

I never went back on that walk since so I fully understand and support the lady who is speaking out about this.

I thought if your dog or dogs were off a lead you had to have good control over them for the sake of other dogs and walkers but obviously not.

I was glad the day I experience­d this my grandaught­er wasn’t with me as I don’t know what I would have done. I went home shaking like a leaf, Maybe this dog walking lady should try respecting other dog walkers. One last point if this dog walker would like to have a read at the dangerous dog act it states that any dog regardless of breed that runs to adults , children or their dogs should be kept on a lead. Once again a bit of respect for other dog walkers goes a long way.

Name and address suppplied not serve democracy well. Members of the Scottish National Party are passionate about Scotland’s wellbeing and future, we believe in the People of Scotland having the democratic right to determine their own way in the world using our natural talents and assets and when the time comes, when we do not have to send MPs to Westminste­r, with its quaint “convention­s” such as no written constituti­on, no proportion­al representa­tion and the sooner we get rid of the undemocrat­ic, unelected House of Lords, the better.

Alec Oattes Lindston Place, Ayr

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