Ayrshire Post

Rural coastal areas hardest hit by Brexit


On October 19 , MPs sat on a Saturday for the first time since the Falklands War to debate the Prime Minister’s Withdrawal Deal.

With rumours he might still use a legal loophole to deliver a ‘ No Deal’ Brexit, Parliament insisted he could only avoid another Brexit extension if the legislatio­n was fully completed. The Government interrupte­d the scheduled Queen’s Speech to try and railroad it through in just three days but, when MPs would not accept so little time for scrutiny, Boris Johnson pulled it altogether!

The deal would see Scotland get the worst outcome - not only taking us out the EU against our wishes but leaving our businesses, particular­ly west coast fishermen and farmers, at a competitiv­e disadvanta­ge to their Northern Irish counterpar­ts.

Despite fishing in the same waters, Northern Ireland fishermen will be able toget their catch quickly to the EU whereas fish caught by Scottish fishermen will be subject to delays and tariffs when entering the EU market. Given this scenario, it is possible that Scottish vessels may register in Northern Ireland to land their catch there, potentiall­y decimating our fishing ports and wider processing industry. Indeed, a recent analysis shows rural and coastal areas will be among the hardest hit by the UK leaving the EU, along with Brexitsens­itive industries such as aerospace at Prestwick Airport.

The ‘ Brexit Vulnerabil­ity Index Map’ shows one fifth of local areas are among the most vulnerable; affecting more than 23,000 people in South Ayrshire and just under 75,000 across Ayrshire as a whole! As part of Challenge Poverty Week, my team and I visited the Job Centre in Ayr and met the staff assisting Universal Credit claimants.

They identified the same problemsas most MPs, such as the five week wait for payment and rising rent arrears, but highlighte­d the fact that any improvemen­ts to the system can be introduced quickly.

They were supportive of my campaign for individual­s to have separate payments to help protect women from financial and domestic abuse. I am most grateful to Anneand the team for taking the time to give us such an informativ­e visit.

 ??  ?? Philippa Whitford
Philippa Whitford

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