Ayrshire Post

Winning Ways at stamp display


Ayrshire Philatelic Society’s season continued with a visit from a qualified philately judge.

Alan Watson of the Falkirk Philatelic Society discussed his talk and display entitled “Winning Ways”.

Alan demonstrat­ed how to approach a subject and what judges expect.

One of his catchphras­es was “judges are morons” - you have to assume that they do not know anything about what you are displaying, so be sure that you explain things to them.

Entries are assessed against a schedule of marks for different criteria, and Alan went through each category to explain what is needed in each section to gain marks.

The second half of Alan’s talk was more light- hearted with displays of overprinte­d Post- and- Go labels and frames on Victoria Cross winners, Scottish Heraldry and general heraldry.

APS’s next meeting is on Friday, November 1 and the group branch away from stamps, with a display of Scottish Baanknotes by Ronnie Breingan.

Anyone interested welcome to come along.

For further details, contact David Rossall at davidrossa­ll@ sky. com. is

A stunning fireworks display put on by Prince Charles’ charity has been AXED . . . on cost grounds.

The spectacula­r pyrotechni­c show at Dumfries House has attracted five figure crowds since 2011.

Now the £ 6- a- head extravagan­za in front of the mansion has turned into a damp squib.

The display was without a doubt the most jaw- dropping in Ayrshire and also featured lazer lights, tons

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