Ayrshire Post


■ Victim killed in house attack ■ Detectives pour over CCTV


A manhunt has been launched after a savage murder in Ayr.

Slain Morgan Dunn, 34, was killed in Marigold Square, Kincaidsto­n, on Saturday. The killing happened inside a terraced home about 4pm.

A black Audi Q7 could be seen surrounded by police tape in the street on Monday morning. Detectives were this week examining CCTV from the area. All the streets on the planned estate are named after flowers and paths connect to car parks and across open space.

A massive police presence has been maintained at Marigold Square.

So far no warrants have been issued for any arrest as we reached our deadline.

A source said: “It is still very early in the investigat­ion.”

The heart of a housing estate remained in lock- down this week after the brutal murder of a bodybuilde­r.

Morgan Dunn, 34, was killed during a bust- up at Kincaidsto­n’s Marigold Square on Saturday afternoon.

Emergency crews raced to the home after the alarm was raised at around 4pm but Dunn, of Stevenston, was pronounced dead at the scene.

The suspect is believed to have fled the scene during broad daylight and detectives are appealing for witnesses.

On icy Monday morning up to a dozen police remained on the scene while Marigold Square, which holds over 15 terraced homes, stayed sealed off.

While uniformed officers guarded the four lanes which lead to the square, nonuniform­ed CID continued to conduct doortodoor enquiries.

Portaloos with copious amounts of toilet roll could be seen, with police expected to be there for days.

One neighbour told the Post: “I’ve spoken to the police and they are thinking they will be here until the end of the week.

“I was in when the incident happened but I didn’t see anything.

“One minute I was watching TV then all of a sudden dozens of police cars appeared out of nowhere.

“I knew something serious must have happened.

“I hope they catch the killer.” Marigold Square sits just 300 yards from Kincaidsto­n Primary School.

Another neighbour said: “This is a nice area with a lot of children and families.

“You really wouldn’t expect to hear of a murder happening right here on our doorstep, it’s really scary.”

Another said: “I didn’t see anything but I can’t believe this could happen so close to our home.

“It really doesn’t sit nice knowing someone was murdered so close to us.”

Detectives believe their was an altercatio­n between Dunn and another person in the house.

The suspect is then believed to have ran from the back of the house into rear gardens and then onto Kincaidsto­n Drive, which is main thoroughfa­re and would have been busy at this time of the day.

Detective Chief Inspector Stevie Wallace, of the Major Investigat­ion Team, said: “I would ask that anyone who may have seen this person running off – maybe into a car or perhaps a taxi – contact police.

“If you have any mobile phone or dashcam footage that you think may assist our enquiry, then please get in touch.”

Informatio­n can be passed to officers via 101 quoting reference number 2400 Details can also be passed anonymousl­y to Crimestopp­ers on 0800 555 111.

This is an area with a lot of children and families

 ??  ?? Murdered Morgan Dunn
Murdered Morgan Dunn
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Slain Morgan Dunn was killed during a row at a house in Ayr’s Marigold Square
Slain Morgan Dunn was killed during a row at a house in Ayr’s Marigold Square
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Probe Police step stepup up their hunt this week to find the killer of Morgan Dunn
Probe Police step stepup up their hunt this week to find the killer of Morgan Dunn

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