Ayrshire Post

Airport could become passenger free zone


Prestwick Airport could be on the verge of becoming a passenger free zone – meaning the closure of the main passenger terminal.

The owner of Glasgow Airport is the unconfirme­d preferred bidder.

Senior sources say making the Ayrshire airport freight only and the surroundin­g area concentrat­ing on airline repair is part of current “horse trading” with the Scottish Government.

A former director of Prestwick Airport has spoken out on the condition of anonymity.

AGS Airports, which owns Glasgow, is the preferred bidder for Prestwick after it was put up for sale by owners the Scottish

Government. This week the government claimed there was no delay in the process of selling Prestwick. The former director, a respected figure in the airport industry, said he is “worried AGS may be intending to concentrat­e on non- passenger business.”

He said: “From what I have been hearing, if as expected AGS is confirmed as the new owner, then they are likely to concentrat­e on developing the airport for MRO ( Maintenanc­e Repair and Overhaul) business, airfreight, military and other non – passenger activities.

“Given the geographic­al closeness to Glasgow of

Prestwick and the fact that both airports service Ryanair, sadly, I can understand that logic.

“Ordinarily, it does not make sense for an airport owner/ operator to service the same carrier in two airports 30 miles apart. I am greatly concerned that, in its rush to find a private owner, the Scottish Government, through its advisers, may have been coerced into agreeing a quick fix solution without considerin­g the wider implicatio­ns.”

He added: “I have been at the heart of airport purchase negotiatio­ns, including the purchase of Prestwick in 2001, and I know the pressures that are placed on eager sellers.

“I recognise that today’s airport environmen­t in a tough one with fewer carriers than before but Prestwick is a superb passenger airport and with the right approach it could return to passenger growth.

“I want Prestwick to remain as a passenger facility and I believe the people of Ayrshire also want it to remain as such.”

A separate political source also questioned why the preferred bidder status was taking so long without the new owner being revealed.

Prestwick Airport refused to discuss the sale last week, diverting our questions to the Scottish Government.

A transport spokesman said: “There is no delay to the sale process. We remain satisfied that good progress is being made in the interests of the business and will update Parliament further in due course.”

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