Ayrshire Post

Common Good land referendum


I’m now beginning to wonder if our friends at South Ayrshire Council have started confusing Ayr’s very own Low Green with actor Kevin Costner’s ‘ Field of Dreams’.

“Build it - and they will come” was the movie’s most famous line. The subtle difference however is that in the movie, Costner’s character actually owned the land - and used his own cash to turn a cornfield into a baseball ground. Meanwhile, SAC appear to be ploughing ahead in planning their own field of dreams

. . . but with our land . . . and our money! Don’t get me wrong here

. . . this page has been bleating for years that South Ayrshire needs to invest heavily in tourism based infrastruc­ture. That SAC recognises a need to give our ailing seaside resort some extra pulling power is to be commended. But when it comes to this beautiful little corner of Scotland - there are usually three ways of doing things.

1) The right way

2) The wrong way

3) The South Ayrshire Council way! So, you want an example? Well, over the last decade and more, we’ve watched our local council strip Ayr’s beach barer than a paddling toddler. Seafield boating pond - gone. Putting green - gone. Roller skating rink - gone. Trampoline­s - gone. Crazy golf - gone. Beach chalets - gone. Deck chair hire - gone. And yes - I was saving the closure of the memorable miniature railway till last!

So, last week, SAC went into one of their secret huddles. Yes, the same SAC that promised us open and transparen­t governance.

And what did the private top level pow wow deduce?

You’ve got it . . . Ayr’s seafront lacks any attraction­s!

As Council leader Douglas ‘ Let’s Do the Time Warp’ Campbell put it, “If we want Ayr to become a popular attraction like it was in its heyday we need to provide reasons for people to come to Ayr”.

I’m totally comfortabl­e with that statement. I think I said exactly the same back in 2017 . . or was it 2007?

What makes me a little uneasy is the back story here - their decision to lease out the old seafront putting green as a potential “sea view restaurant”.

But I would be big time uneasy if I owned The Waterfront, The Horizon Hotel, Wellington’s Bar, Fairfield House Hotel, Ayr India or any of the other establishe­d local businesses trying to make a living out of our seaside trade. So why are SAC buying up the kiosk leases around the Low Green . . but happy to dangle a shiny new lease just a hundred yards away?

Back to Douglas Campbell who said “At the moment ( the Low Green) is just an expanse of grass. In the summer people come and bring their own food and picnics.

“They are not utilising the town centre.

“We could be supporting local business to provide more services on the Low Green”.

It’s actually a very clever stance. “Let us loose on the Low Green - and everybody benefits” is what he’s really saying.

Is our Low Green sacrosanct - or isn’t it?

And given the noise already surroundin­g plans to steal Common Good land at the Old Racecourse - the resistance to commercial­ising the Common Good land that’s the Low Green is going to be deafening! My size tens are firmly in the “sacrosanct” camp. I accept there are others who will take the view that “sacrosanct” is too harsh a line - and that properly planned, sympatheti­c use of parts of the Low Green might be acceptable.

The Greater Good v The Common Good would make an interestin­g debate.

SAC is currently controlled by the SNP - who I hear are very fond of referendum­s.

In fact, your can’t pick up a newspaper without an SNP politician asking for another one.

So here’s my challenge to Mr Campbell and his cronies - let the people decide! Spend the next 15 months considerin­g, debating, finalising and publicisin­g your plans for the use of Common Good Land - at the Old Racecourse, the Low Green and anywhere else.

And let’s have that Greater Good v Common Good debate - in the council chamber, in pubs, in village halls, in town halls, in the pages of the Press . and probably even in the courts! It’s an issue that could change centuries of history . . for centuries to come. And let it part of a South Ayrshire referendum when we go to the local election polls in May 2021.


YES or NO I can live with the people’s verdict, Mr Campbell.

And I don’t see how an SNP led council can live with itself if it denied people the right to choose their own future.

 ??  ?? Against Residents are opposed to the golf academy plan on the Common Good Land
Against Residents are opposed to the golf academy plan on the Common Good Land

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