Ayrshire Post

Flats to be named in memory of ex- Gers star


Secret talks have been taking place in a bid to name the new flats complex in the centre of Prestwick after Rangers great Johnny Hubbard.

South Ayrshire Council has thrown its weight behind the bid to formally recognise wee Johnny.

And a bust of the penalty king could be situated inside the flats, to be built on the Main Street site of the old police station.

We have already revealed four Prestwick men are trying to raise £ 5000 to honour Johnny, who died aged 87 in 2018. They are in need of more contributi­ons if the plan is to come to fruition.

South Ayrshire housing supremo Phil Saxton said: “For some time now I have been in discussion­s with Bill Baillie, Alan Haggo, Gordon Mckenzie and Tam Cairns, regarding a tribute to Johnny.

“South Ayrshire Council fully supports honouring the late penalty king with a possible tribute of naming the new Amenity Unit in the Main Street.

“All four Prestwick Councillor­s support this and I have had discussion­s with senior officers who are also very supportive.

“We will also consider placing a Bust within the unit with a plague, as people will be aware Johnny was involved in a number of sports.

“The details of his life will be displayed on the plaque in a prominent position.”

Phil added: “The family are very supportive of this and my thanks go to them.

“There will be further consultati­on with Prestwick Community Council.”

Johnny, who ended his career with Ayr United, was also revered as a giant in Prestwick.

He made his mark as a big hitting batsman at the town’s Cricket Club.

He also coached golf and tennis to primary school children when he was sports officer with the former Prestwick Town Council.

To help the money campaign small donations can be made to www. justgiving. com/ crowdfundi­ng/ bill- baillie- 2.

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