Ayrshire Post

‘ Maybole has lost a local champion’


Provost Helen Moonie

“Peter Mason was a true asset to the community of Maybole and he will be sorely missed. For more than 25 years he played a key role in Maybole Community Council and was instrument­al in securing a bypass for the town. He was determined to make a difference and he did just that.”

Depute Provost William Grant

“I worked with Peter for many years in many Maybole projects. He was totally dedicated and committed to everything he was involved in and always saw these to a conclusion, as can be seen by his lobbying for Maybole Bypass. His expertise and commitment regarding Maybole will be sadly missed.”

Mark Fletcher, chairman of Maybole Community Council

“Maybole Community Council has lost one of our longest- standing and possibly most passionate members. Peter was very committed and driven to help Maybole achieve all that it could and was certainly a key player in many projects. He will be greatly missed.”

The Peruvian Ambassador to Germany Federico Kauffmann Doig

“I ´ m very sad to know about the death of our good friend Peter. I remember he was joking in telling me during my stay in Maybole he was my taxi driver. I permanentl­y have Peter in my mind and did write emails to him especially when you did inform me that he was a little sick. Our communicat­ions were always in Spanish, because he told me he wanted it that way.”

Chris Savage, chair of Ayrshire LEADER

“Peter was a true champion of the people. He campaigned and worked tirelessly for local people and local causes. His legacy will live on for a very long time. He stood up for what he felt was right and let you know if he felt you were wrong.”

Jeane Freeman MSP

“Peter was a man of sharp intelligen­ce who cared deeply for his local community. He was never afraid to challenge views or approaches he thought were wrong or overly cautious.”

Councillor Brian Connolly

“Peter was an honest friend and critic in equal measure, very fulsome in his praise if he agreed with your action but equally critical if he didn’t. All views delivered with no hint of malice and with 100 per cent honesty, straight to the point with no words wasted.”

Councillor Iain Campbell

“I will always be grateful to Peter for his advice, direction and guidance offered to me when I became a Councillor. Maybole has lost a real driving force. My regret, is that I didn’t have longer to know this true gentleman.”

Councillor Alec Clark

“Over the years he served his community of Maybole with dignity and pride. He always tried to put forward actions for the benefit of the ordinary citizen. Peter was a straight- talking character who was always willing to lead and to help. Maybole has lost a local champion who really cared a lot for his town whilst Carrick in general has lost a good friend.”

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