Ayrshire Post

From the archives of the Ayrshire Post



Hero neighbour Andy McNally battled through thick smoke and flames to rescue a young mum and her son from a blazing homes in Ayr on Tuesday morning.

Minutes after leading Donna McCartney, 22, and Connor, 2, to safety, Andy sprang into action again to save the toddler’s life for a second time.

Andy, of Oakwood Avenue, said: “The wee guy’s eyes were rolling up into his head and I started blowing into his mouth.

“He coughed and then the ambulance came with oxygen.”


Eggs at 3s a dozen, chickens at 4s and 5s each, milk at 6d a pint and potatoes and other vegetables at less than half the normal retail price will be available to housewives in Ayr a week on Saturday.

These shopping bargains will be at a sale of produce by farmers at Ayr Market. The sale is part of efforts to let the public know the “ridiculous­ly low” prices they receive for their produce. Fleets of tractors will converge on the town to bring the bountiful supply.


Before Bailie Terry at Ayr Police Court, James Main, labourer residing with his parents at 24 Clunes Vennel, Ayr, admitted assaulting his father and mother by striking them on the face and body with his fists.

Fiscal L C Boyd said the accused had not been working for some time and when he asked for his dinner his mother said he would have to work for it. He then struck her on the face, causing her nose to bleed, before turning on his father.

He was fined 20s.

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