Ayrshire Post

Bunny girl Philippa’s ears made of milk bottles


Usually she’s a serious MP, and prior to that an equally serious breast cancer surgeon.

But Philippa Whitford tends to go a bit loopy when it comes to her favourite charity.

Last Sunday she dug out her white rabbit costume for a ten mile ride round Troon in aid of the Ayrshire Hospice.

By this week her sweaty cycle had raised a bounty of £ 2500, much needed as the hospice is struggling for funds during lockdown.

The last time the Ayrshire Central MP wore the outfit was a fundraisin­g dip in the ocean.

And Philippa, 61, revealed: “The ears have never been right since the sea outing.

“I took ages trying to sort them out, and ended up cutting up plastic milk cartons and stuffed them inside to give them shape.”

She drew loads of laughs during her circuitous route, accompanie­d by her husband Hans Pieper, who was in plain clothes.

And she added: “It’s the closest I will ever get to being a Bunny Girl.

“The weather was beautiful, if a little warm for cycling in a bunny costume, and it was lovely to get lots of supportive waves and thumbs up as I passed through the town.”

Philippa, who lives in Troon, is an Ambassador for the Ayrshire Hospice.

She said: “I know the great support they provide to patients at the end of life and their families.

“Due to the COVID- 19 lockdown, they can’t hold fundraisin­g events so I wanted to try and help by getting on my bike.”

It was the same day as the London Marathon would have taken place and UK charities missed out on millions of pounds.

Philippa completed her mission as part of the 2.6 Challenge set up as a result.

Her Just Giving page is still open and donations currently total £ 2070, with £ 441 added via Gift Aid.

If you can boost the total go to www. justgiving. com/ fundraisin­g/ philippa- s- 2- 6- challenge5­54.

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