Ayrshire Post

Unlikely reunion across the Ayr- waves


“In gratitude, we presented the Queensland club with a new lectern, or reading desk, which incorporat­ed a piece of ancient oak, grown in Ayrshire, and used as a support for the original constructi­on of the Auld Brig o’ Ayr in 1491.

“The timber must have been more than 400- years- old when it was removed during repair of the Auld Brig in 1907 – and it was estimated that the tree would have been planted 1000 years before the presentati­on. To the desk was attached an inscribed silver plaque made by the local club member, Wallace Allan’s father, a founder member of Ayr Rotary Club.”

In the year 2000 club member Jimmy Begg and his wife Helen travelled to Queensland to thank the group for the food parcels in person.

There he presented the sister club with a friendship quaich and the couple formed a lasting friendship with their Australian hosts Rob and Lina


Thanks to the wonder of online communicat­ion and the current lockdown the Rotarians had an unlikely reunion last week.

Ron explained: “We were invited to join the Queensland club’s Zoom meeting and there was a surprise for Jimmy when Rob Antoniazzi, although no longer a club member, appeared on the screen.

“The next five minutes of their meeting was taken up with Rob and Jimmy enjoying their reunion and asking about each other’s families.

“After the catch up Jimmy invited the Queensland members to join one of our own online meetings. It is inspiring to find these two clubs brought closer as a result of this current health crisis – an unexpected lockdown silver lining.

“Here’s to continued Rotary friendship and further connection­s across the ‘ Ayr- waves’.”

 ??  ?? Unlikely reunion Jimmy Begg and his wife Helen are bottom left in the Zoom screenshot. Inset: A 1947 the clubs connection­s
Unlikely reunion Jimmy Begg and his wife Helen are bottom left in the Zoom screenshot. Inset: A 1947 the clubs connection­s
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