Ayrshire Post

Students first to achieve Enterprise Higher


Ayrshire students are among the first in the country to achieve an Enterprise Higher.

More than 20 pupils from across the region, including Auchinleck Academy and Marr College, will became the first to achieve the qualificat­ion for their entreprene­urial skills when results are officially announced on June 2.

Despite lockdown and the need to complete their assignment­s online the students will be informed by their teachers that they have successful­ly completed the Young Enterprise

Scotland‘ Company Programme’.

The students had to establish an operationa­l business to demonstrat­e practical skills in management, finance and marketing as well as show an entreprene­urial drive.

As schools closed and timetables were disrupted, Young Enterprise Scotland continued to liaise with students online to encourage them to complete the programme.

Geoff Leask, CEO of Young Enterprise Scotland, said: “This is the first year that students participat­ing in our Company Programme could achieve a ‘ Higher’ equivalent qualificat­ion and Credit Points for their hard work and I applaud everyone who took part.”

The Level 6 qualificat­ion for the Company Programme, equivalent to 26- 30 Credit Points, is the result of a collaborat­ion between the Scottish Government, the Scottish Credit and Qualificat­ions Framework Partnershi­p ( SCQFP), Glasgow Kelvin College and Young Enterprise Scotland.

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Students from across Scotland participat­ed in The Festival of Youth Enterprise 2019
Qualificat­ion first Students from across Scotland participat­ed in The Festival of Youth Enterprise 2019

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