Ayrshire Post

Driven potty by A77 litter


Plastic bags, bottles, and discarded waste from a lay- by have made their way into a field- lying yards away from grazing lambs.

The litter hotspot lies one mile north of Maybole on the A77 and is thought to be the result of a lack of council bins at rest stops along this stretch of road.

Livestock encounter juice cartons, a tyre, fabric and even an empty gallon oil can as they feed.

A nearby resident, snapped this photo, right, on his daily stroll.

He said: “It’s shocking that the lambs are there in amongst that stuff. Most of the lay- bys in this area are in a similar condition but this is the worst I have seen with livestock so close. This is happening more often since the council removed waste bins from roadsides.”

The resident also highlighte­d another litter strewn lay- by two miles south of Maybole, heading towards Crossrague­l Abbey.

He said: “Again they’re throwing all the rubbish down into a field and there’s calves and cattle in there. And if you look at the rubbish that’s left it’s sandwich boxes as if they’ve stopped there, had their sandwiches and there’s nowhere to put them so they just throw them out.

“Sandwich boxes, bottles of juice, empty plastic bags are all just getting blown down into the field.”

A council spokesman said the bins at these spots had been removed due to a national campaign. He said the council would investigat­e further and remove any litter they find. Anyone caught dumping litter can be fined £ 80.

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