Ayrshire Post

Toast to a new dawn


Is it just me - or is the lockdown getting mentally tougher as we get closer to the first phase of easing restrictio­ns?

Does cabin fever reach its manic peak when you hear the guy with the keys coming along the corridor to let you out? It reminds of an old friend from back in the day – a lovely man called James McFarlane. He was a proud teacher, a proud father and a proud Catholic – but on the day in question, proud Catholic was taking precedence.

Jim announced to all his Chestnuts Hotel bar cronies that he was giving up booze for Lent. We toasted his commitment and wished him well.

And after a few toasts too many – I could see what was coming. “Shields – I bet you couldn’t give up booze for forty days and forty nights. I’ll bet you £ 50 for charity right now!” He’d called me out . . . and I had to call his bluff.

“Jim, make it £ 100 - and I’ll quit the booze AND the fags too!”. And so the bet was struck. Days one to five were tough . . . days six to 36 not too bad . . but days, 37 to 40 were torture. In my heart, I had proved my point . . but my head was playing mind games. Day 39 was sunny and everyone was having cold beers in the garden - I was on the ginger beers and lime . . and it all seemed so pointless. Yes – I nearly gave in! With eight hours to go! Well, a new dawn over the darkness of lockdown is supposed to be starting this weekend. Thank goodness. And for the record, Jim gave that £ 100 to the guide dog charity. Sadly, he’s no longer with us.

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