Ayrshire Post

Care and compassion in our community


We all want to get back to some semblance of normality – whether that’s seeing our friends and family, getting back to work or school or just being able to spend our time however we want to.

The last couple of months have been extremely difficult as we have faced this Covid - 19 crisis together.

Thankfully, it appears that all the sacrifices people have made are beginning pay off as it seems we have passed the peak.

During this pandemic there has been much sadness and grief and my thoughts are with all of those who have lost loved ones and friends during these difficult times.

As we slowly begin to come out of this pandemic, I want to take the opportunit­y to highlight a few of the many positive changes which have taken place.

I believe we have become a more caring and compassion­ate community and I know of many examples of people looking after neighbours, particular­ly those who are elderly, self- isolating, people on their own or those who may just need that extra bit of help or support by shopping for them, collecting prescripti­ons and generally making sure that they are okay.

Another fantastic response has been that of many statutory organisati­ons including South, East and North Ayrshire Councils, NHS Ayrshire and Arran, Police Scotland and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service all of whom have responded magnificen­tly by adapting and providing additional services in these difficult times.

Finally, there are all the voluntary organisati­ons and charities and the many thousands of volunteers who have given up their time to help those in need.

There are too many of these to mention individual­ly but include Voluntary Action South Ayrshire, the 10: 10 Trust and many small village shops and community groups including the Barr Village Shop.

My sincere thanks to all the above for all that you do.

 ??  ?? Allan Dorans
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