Ayrshire Post

Soap firm lathers up £ 100,000 donation to health’s frontline


An island soap firm has donated more than £ 100,000 of its products to key workers.

ARRAN Sense of Scotland, formerly Arran Aromatics, has gifted care packages to more than 100 care homes.

The Ayrshire Hospice, East Ayrshire Community Hospital, NHS Ayrshire and Arran, Heathfield House Care Home and Glenfairn House Care Home are also among those to benefit as staff face the coronaviru­s frontline.

Miniature toiletries and trade supplies, usually sent to the hotel and hospitalit­y sector, have been re- routed to care heroes.

Shower gels, soaps and body lotions are among those being dished out.

Around 38,000 units have already been dispensed across care homes and hospitals.

Ron Swanson, Assistant Fundraisin­g Manager at the Ayrshire Hospice, received the bags on behalf of 150 staff still working at the Hospice.

He said: “This is such a lovely gesture and an excellent idea to put a smile on the faces of all our amazing key workers.

“Whether they are at home, in the Hospice or in hospital, all our patients receive their care at no cost to themselves or their families.

“This, of course, is only possible due to the ongoing and unstinting support of many organisati­ons, businesses and individual­s who give so kindly to our work.

“Our Hospice relies on the kindness and goodwill of individual­s and organisati­ons within our community so thank you for supporting Ayrshire Hospice in such a meaningful way.”

Since lockdown was introduced, ARRAN Sense of Scotland has donated more than 15,000 free soaps to residents on the island as well as providing shower gel, hand soap and body lotion to homeless people on the mainland via the Simon Community Scotland’s # GiveHope appeal.

The brand has also recently announced a charity partnershi­p that will see 20 per cent of sales of its ‘ personalis­ed care packages’ donated to Age Scotland in a bid to help the wider community during the pandemic.

Andrew Russell, Sales and Marketing Director at ARRAN Sense of Scotland, said: “Normally at this time of year we would be supporting our hospitalit­y and tourism clients get ready to relax and rejuvenate the thousands of visitors who come to these shores for their holiday or weekend break.

“No one knows when those hardest at work in our country will get a chance to take a break, nor enjoy the kindness and hospitalit­y of our clients.

“Therefore, in the spirit of ARRAN Sense of Scotland we are donating over £ 100,000 of miniature products that you would normally find in those guest bedrooms to the amazing people providing frontline care in the community and our care homes.

“To say thank you for everything they’re doing during this difficult time, we would like key workers to enjoy a small gift from ARRAN Sense of Scotland.”

 ??  ?? Giving thanks The medical imaging team from NHS Ayrshire & Arran
Giving thanks The medical imaging team from NHS Ayrshire & Arran

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