Ayrshire Post

Shambles as top factors in turmoil


Hundreds of flat owners have been left in limbo and some owed money after problems at a major property management firm.

Donald Ross Residentia­l Factoring looks after 90 developmen­ts in Ayrshire and Glasgow.

But seafront blocks and a retirement complex in Ayr are among those out of pocket and general repairs including gardening and communal building work not being looked after properly.

The situation has been ongoing for around three months and follows the marital split of company kingpins Jacqueline and Steven Miller.

The factoring company claims to have 2,700 clients.

The Dalblair Court developmen­t in Ayr has already dismissed the company – and says more than £ 20,000 is due back to them on advance payments made to this summer.

A committee member said: “It was all a complete mess and we had worries nobody was looking after our emergency telephone system.”

And one flat owner at the Carrick Quay developmen­t in Ayr said: “It is a complete shambles, I am owed money for services not provided.

“There have been issues with people not being paid for carrying

The factoring arm – now based in Irvine – includes Steven MacVean of Prestwick estate agency Limegreen.

He is listed as operations manager and on the website Steven Miller says he has “enrolled my trust in Steven MacVean and a small team.”

Steven MacVean joined Steven Miller at a meeting with fed- up flat owners staged in the unlikely venue of a basement car park in Ayr.

It happened at the Inkerman Court flats on Ayr Esplanade.

Anthony M D’Arcy, chairman, said: “I can confirm that the Inkerman Court committee do not wish to make a comment regarding Donald Ross Factoring.”

A source said: “It seems some people have been left without any realistic semblance of property management.

“Some properties are either seeking a new factor or have already taken steps to terminate their contracts with DRF.

“As many of the residents in these properties are elderly, this gives them additional stress at what is already a difficult time.”

Both Steven and Jacqueline Miller have been contacted by phone and email for comment.

The phone at the head office of Donald Ross Factoring was not answered and callers are unable to leave a message.

 ??  ?? Inkerman Court Meeting was held here in basement
Inkerman Court Meeting was held here in basement
 ??  ?? Quit Jacqueline Miller left the factoring firm in March
Quit Jacqueline Miller left the factoring firm in March
 ??  ?? Worries Dalblair Court is axing DRF
Worries Dalblair Court is axing DRF
 ??  ?? Carrick Quay Problems here too
Carrick Quay Problems here too

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